This Nonracial Worldview Library
is an ever-growing collection of material and resources that recognize and resist the hegemony of the racial worldview by not only acknowledging that race is a social construct but also affirming the need to resist the habit and pressure to remain enclosed in that construct through racialization practices.
Being Without Race: Find your "original face." Amir Zaki. Essay
A Realist Metaphysics of Race: A Context-Sensitive, Short-Term Retentionist, Long-Term Revisionist Approach. Jeremy Pierce. Book
American Anthropological Association Statement on Race. Position Paper
ASHG Denounces Attempts to Link Genetics and Racial Supremacy
Before Color Prejudice: The Ancient View of Blacks. Frank M. Snowden Jr. Book
Beyond Black: Biracial Identity in America. Kerry Ann Rockquemore. Book
Deracialization Now. Greg Thomas. Essay
The Essential Child: Origins of Essentialism in Everyday Thought by Susan A. Gelman
Has social constructionism about race outlived its usefulness? Perspectives from a race skeptic. Essay
How Real Is Race? A Sourcebook on Race, Culture, and Biology. Carol C. Mukhopadhyay, Rosemary Henze, Yolanda T. Moses. Book
Humanae. Angelica Daas. Photography
Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race. Asley Montagu. Book
Mean, Kind or Non: Which Type of Racist Are You? Carlos Hoyt. Essay
Race and Mixed-race: A Personal Tour. Rainier Spencer - Essay
Race Debunked in 3 Minutes. Video
Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview. Audrey Smedley, Brian Smedley. Book
Race and the Construction of Human Identity. Audrey Smedley. Essay
Race: Are We So Different? Alan H. Goodman, Yolanda T. Moses, Joseph L. Jones. Book
Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life. Barbara J. Fields and Karen E. Fields
Resisting Race & Racialization. Carlos Hoyt. Documentary
Spurious Issues; Race and Multiracial Identity Politics in the United States. Rainier Spencer. Book
Taking race out of human genetics and memetics: We can’t achieve one without achieving the other. Carlos Hoyt. Essay
The Arc of a Bad Idea: Understanding and Transcending Race. Carlos Hoyt. Book Readers particularly interested in what it might actually mean to live without race (i.e., beyond the racial worldview and without racialization) are encouraged to read Chapter 6 - Race Without Reification: Pedagogy, Practice, and Policy from the Nonracial Worldview and Chapter 7 - Beyond the Panopticon: Liberating the Tragic Essentialist and Promoting Racial Disobedience
The Concept of Race is a Lie. Peter G. Prontzos. Essay
The Emperor’s New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race at the Millennium. Joseph Graves. Book
The Idea of Race. Robert Bernasconi and Tommy L. Lott, Editors – Book
The Pedagogy of the Meaning of Racism: Reconciling a Discordant Discourse. Carlos Hoyt. Essay
The Race Myth: Why We Pretend Race Exists in America. Joseph Graves. Book
Theory of Racelessness: A Case for Antirace(ism) (African American Philosophy and the African Diaspora) Sheena Mason. Book
Who Is Black: One Nation’s Definition. F. James Davis. Book
The Trouble With Race and Its Many Shades of Deceit: How education programs intended to foster diversity, equality and inclusion do harm, and why it’s time for a radical shift. Subrena E. Smith. Essay
Do you have a candidate for the library?
Please feel encouraged to recommend material or resources for the Nonracial Worldview Library!
You can send your candidates to me at hoyt.carlos@gmail.com
And please check the library from time to time to see what's new!