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Diversity Without Divisiveness (DWD) is available for shipping starting on Nov. 11

Including You in the DWD/DEI Conversation!
If you read DWD, Minna and I would love to hear from you! Your insights, questions, and feedback will be invaluable in making future volumes of the book as useful as possible and creating a richer dialogue around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in education.
Send us email at to:
share your thoughts and experiences inspired by the book, ask questions about DEI practices in K-12 education, and
contribute to the refinement of best DEI practices.
We’ll post periodic responses to your contributions, fostering an interactive space for learning and growth. We look forward to your input.

The master's map
will never take us
beyond the master's boundaries.
Recent Activity

In this episode of How My View Grew, educator Carlos Hoyt describes his early life experience transcending racial categories and how he discovered that the entire concept of "race" was false and unhelpful. What if the racial categories that pervade our conversations, public policy, and social science data are scientifically meaningless? What can we learn from people who have deracialized themselves and others? How might these insights improve lives and undermine racism at its roots?
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